Saturday, June 25, 2011

hair rebonding


Rebonding Hairstyle And Treatment

Hair rebonding gives you silky, super straight hair, the way the girls in hair commercials look, and the way Jennifer Lopez and Faye Wong look, but it can also leave you hairless.

Celebrity Hair - Demi Lavato Lavigne Hair

Demi Lavato Hairstyles

 Remember to let the curls completely cool down before you touch them, because touching them could ruin them. When you are done styling your hair, you should apply hairspray.

Hair Straightening Rebonding

Hair Straightening Rebonding
Rebonding is a chemical hair treatment that makes your hair straight, sleek and shiny. It is a permanent and expensive procedure. Prices for the treatment may vary across salons due to products used, service, your hair type and post treatment care.

Each type of hair has a natural bond.
Curly or wavy, are the result of natural bonds that give the hair its physical quality. The cream softener or relaxant used in the rebonding treatment breaks the hair structure. Then a neutraliser bonds the structure again and makes hair straight. In simpler terms the rebonding treatment changes your natural hair structure and restructures it.

Once your hair is straightened you have to touch up the new growth every three months, six months or a year, depending upon your growth.



Avril Lavigne Hair

Avril Lavigne Hairstyles
Hair rebounding is a process which can help you attain perfect straight

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