Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Winter Perfume Collection

Hello Blogettes,
Hope you all had a vey wonderful Saturday. Around here its been 12 degrees at most and its putting a damper on my running and somewhat my mood. I love that where I love we get the full effect of each season inlcuding snow in the winter, crisp wind and leaves falling in the fall, a cool spring rain and a hot summer but 12 degrees? I mean back in November it was still 60 degrees up until the last week. Anywho the point of me saying this is that I divide my perfumes and sprays up by the season. I store my off season perfumes/sprays in my lines closet. I know this might seem odd for some but I just cant stand having so much clutter on my vanity, plus their is no point for me to have a cherry blossom scent out in winter when I only use it in the spring time. I do have a few though that I do keep out monthly becuase I love them but thats for a differant post. Sorry for all this ramble I will finally show my winter fragences.

(LtoR-B&BW Nutcracker Sweet;With Love by Hilary Duff;B&BW Warm Vanilla Sugar)

(LtoR-B&BWVanilla Bean Noel;B&BW Twisted Peppermint;Calgon Marshmellow)
What are your favorite perfumes for winter ?
Take from this what you will,

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