Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine Lunar New Year Day!

Happy Valentines Day everyone & Happy Lunar New Years! I hope that you all are having a fun romantic day or a comfy day with your family. I was laughing because someone called valentine's day, National Single Awareness day! I think today is just a cute day is dedicated to spending time with your special someone or with the people you love, it doesn't necessarily have to be your boyfriend or girlfriend. So I wanted to share with you guys a couple of pictures from my family dinner last night because the food was amazing! My mom and dad spent a few hours in the kitchen cooking this big feast. So my sister just told me that there is a pillow fight going on in my city tonight at 6! It sounds like a lot of fun but I would rather not get hit with 10 random pillows by strangers! Haha you never know where the pillow came from or who could end up being behind you! Scary fun!


Oh yeah and i finished reading Dear John. Quite frankly it was a regular chick flick type book. The ending was quite disappointing for me because it left little to yearn for or to think about. Now i'm not sure if I want to watch the movie anymore because I don't know how different it could be from the book. (SPOILERS AHEAD) It was one of those girl meets boy who saves her. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy leaves for a few years but the girl promises to write to him. Girl gets anxious and is sad because he is gone for such a long period of time. Boy comes back but leaves again soon. Girl sends letter that says she fell in love with someone else. Boy's father suddenly falls ill and ends up dying. Girl's new husband is sick so she feels guilty and stuck with him forever. Boy is still in love with the girl and decides that true love is making sacrafices for the ones you love. So he donates a bunch of money and the book ends with him watching her from a distance and she is still with her husband, but secretly is still in love with the boy. Lol the end! I liked the beginning but the ending was not satisfying!

Coming Soon on Youtube...

I updated my store and added these new things!
** New Pan Eyeshadows in luscious spring colors!
** New Earrings
** New Sweater Tights!
We're having a promotion right now, we're giving away a Free pair of earrings with a purchase of any dress!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for shopping at my store! I have received some of the nicest emails and the sweetest comments. I truly am honored! Thank you

- Ally

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